Vaccine approved for children age 12 and over

Until now, children under the age of 16 could not get any of the three vaccines authorized in the USA. However, last Monday the FDA approved the administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine to children between the age of 12 and 15. 

What you need to know: 

This decision comes after a clinical trial data showed that the Pzifer Covid-19 Vaccine was 100 percent effective in preventing the illness in children on that age gap. For now the Vaccine appears to be generally safe and with minimal side effects as sore arm or low fever. 

The approval of the Pfizer Vaccine to children comes as great news because even though teenagers are not a group particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus, they can still become infested and trasmit the virus to others. When we vaccinate them we are not just protecting our youth but also their parents and grandparents.  

Once enough young people are protected from the effects of the Covid-19, schools are more likely to reopen normally next year, bringing us closer to ending the pandemic. 

Since we are talking about children comprised between the age of 12 and 15, that is, minors, in order to get the vaccine they will need a legally authorized representative such a parent or guardian to give written consent. Unless the minors bring with them to the vaccination appointment a written consent form completed by their legal guardian they won't be able to receive the shot. You can visit THIS PAGE to download the mandatory consent form in different languages.


Need help?  

If you are unsure about how to fill the consent form get in contact with us by texting our multilingual line at (508) - 484 - 8358 or by sending us an email
