COVID-19 Vaccine and Sick Leave Time

Here at Brockton Workers Alliance we encourage all Brockton employers to do the right thing by motivating their workers to get the COVID-19 Vaccine. The mass vaccination process, which will help improve the current public health situation, is now just as important as it was weeks ago and that is why currently everyone over 16 years old is available to get the shot.

Workers of Brockton, as for the state gidelines referenced at the end of the post, absence to work due to COVID-19 or to the vaccine is a justifiable reason to ask for sick leave. That means that if your appointment falls on your working hours, or if you present some adverse reaction to the injection, you can ask your employer for an earned sick leave.

In order to get to a normal state of affairs as soon as possible, we encourage all employers to make it as easy as possible for their employees to get their vaccine doses. The most direct way would be to provide them with a payed sick leave for them to get their vaccination, allowing more people to get protected against the virus, and stoping its spread faster. In the last link shared below, you can read about the new bill The Legislature and the Governor of Massachusetts are currently working on to regulate the tax credit compensation for the employers that provide leave in the State of Massachussets.


State guidelines
Massachusetts regulation
